The Gathering of the Intercessors: Lord, Our Eyes are on you!
The Beloved Community Preaching Series: A Compassionate Neighbor Luke 10:25-35
Late night Pop-up: The Divine Blueprint: Recognizing God's Work in Our Difficulties-Psalm 119:71-72
Navigating the Shift
Greetings from Dr. Kevin M. Jackson
Navigating Life's Shifts Part 1- Joshua 1: 1-9
Late Night with Dr. J Pop-Up Sermon, "Detours" preached in 2022
Winning in the Shift- Hebrews 12:1-2
We Are Shifting Now!!! Isaiah 43:18-21
2 Chronicles 20:15-17
The Shift is Coming!!! Amos 9:11-13
A Prayer for Relationships
Prepare for the Shift! Amos 9:13
Back to School Prayer Rally!!!
Make the Shift: Lean into It!!!